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Published: 30th November 2022

Route Reviews – Alexandria Henderson

Route Reviews are an on-going Government-led activity by the Trailblazer group of independent experts and volunteers to ensure that apprenticeship standards and assessment materials remain current and of a high standard...

Route Reviews are an on-going Government-led activity by the Trailblazer group of independent experts and volunteers to ensure that apprenticeship standards and assessment materials remain current and of a high standard. 
So, how does SIAS get involved?  We asked Alexandria Henderson our Head of Product and Business Development to explain:
“Periodic reviews of standards and materials are carried out in line with a plan set by Government and we’re currently in the review cycle for the manufacturing and maintenance standards.  While these reviews generally always bring about some level of change to the standards and the way they are assessed they really are essential to ensuring that standards remain fit for purpose and support apprentices in gaining the skills and qualifications in their chosen career path.
“The reviews are carried out independently of organisations delivering apprenticeship services but we do have early sight of proposed changes and are often asked for input and advice based on our experience and expertise of working with the standards.  This knowledge means that we can help and prepare our employers and providers well in advance of any changes before they take place. 
“The Route Reviews can take over a year to complete in some cases and follow a timetable set by Government.  We’re expecting all the manufacturing standards to be completed ready for the start of the 2023 academic year so are hoping to see some of the revised standards appearing early in the new year. 
“The good news is that any changes will only apply to new apprenticeship registrations so it’s business as usual for apprentices already registered onto the manufacturing and maintenance standards. 
“We’ve got a programme of communications and technical workshops planned for the new year.  In these we’ll breakdown the standards and provide an in-depth look at the changes and what they mean as well as providing help and guidance and an opportunity to ask questions. Look out for your invite coming soon!”

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