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Process Safety Management Standards

The Cogent Skills Process Safety Management Training Standards define best practice and industry-wide training requirements for process safety awareness across the major hazard industries.

Process Safety Leadership for Senior Executives Standard was launched in 2011, followed by Process Safety Management Foundations Standard in 2012, for operational managers and supervisors, and Process Safety Management for Operations Standard in 2013 for front line operators and maintenance personnel.

The purpose of these Process Safety Training Standards is to provide a clear knowledge and understanding of the principles of process safety management across an organisation, and help organisations to develop and maintain a strong process safety culture.

The PSM Competence Programme Board meets bi-monthly and is committed to constantly building awareness of process safety and engaging major hazard businesses and industry sectors; an independent Expert Panel supports the quality assurance process for all course providers; and Board members have shared their vision through speaking at numerous industry events including three Process Safety Management Summits, in 2012, 2015 and 2018.

In Summer 2022, UK and global high hazard industries celebrated a significant milestone – since 2010, 20,000 staff have now been trained in the Process Safety Management training standards – key facts:

  • 20,000 professionals trained
  • From 40+ major accident hazard industry sectors – including Chemicals, Nuclear, Energy, Utilities, Manufacturing, Upstream and Downstream Petroleum, Explosives, Distribution and Storage
  • 300+ global high hazard companies – with the following COMAH site classifications:
  • 36% Upper Tier
  • 15% Lower Tier
  • 49% Non-COMAH
  • 45% of the 20,000 PSM delegates received a custom developed BESPOKE training course – where the PSM training standards were merged with company specific procedures, operations and key leadership messages.

The development of these important standards has taken place in consultation with the employers, industry groups and where applicable the relevant trade, professional or training association or subject matter experts.

The PSM Training Standards provide a benchmark for employers to measure their in-house training and commercial provision against agreed best practice and are recognised by the Competent Authority

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No COST! The PSM Standards have been developed by industry leaders on a voluntary basis – to help keep industry safe and retain their ‘License to Operate’.

The PSM Standards Development Timeline

2010 Establishment of PSM Competence Programme Board and Expert Panel.

2010 Development started on Process Safety Training Standards

2011 Released – Process Safety Leadership for Senior Executives (PSL) for Senior Executives and Board Members of major hazard facilities

2012 Released – Process Safety Management Foundations (PSMF) for Managers, Supervisors, Safety Personnel, Senior Contract Employees and Junior Engineers.

2012 PSM Summit I – Training Standards Development Conference

2013 Released – Process Safety Management for Operations (PSMO) for Operators, Maintenance Technicians and Long-Term Contractors

2013 Released – PSMO – Train the Trainer (License to Train PSMO)  to deliver approved course content under license

2014 Developed and Delivered – 1st BESPOKE PSM Programme for Unilever Europe.

2015 PSM Summit II – Training Standards Development Conference

2016 Milestone Reached – 10,000 delegates trained in PSM standards

2018 PSM Summit III – Training Standards Development Conference

2020 Review of PSM Standards. Remote consultation via COVID

2022 Milestone Reached – 20,000 delegates trained through the PSM competence programme.

  • 345+ UK and global high hazard companies, from over
  • 40 hazard industry sectors.
  • 45% of the 20,000 PSM delegates received a custom developed BESPOKE training course – where the PSM training standards were merged with company specific procedures, operations and key leadership messages.
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