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The Process Safety Management Competence Programme Board (PSMCPB)


The PSM Competence Programme Board chaired and led by Richard Roff, Costain Group PLC is made up of senior industry representatives and stakeholders from trade associations, professional bodies and the Health & Safety Executive.

It is supported by an Expert Panel which includes process safety subject matter experts from industry, regulators, trade unions, specialist stakeholder bodies and training organisations.

The board’s aim is to ensure safety throughout high hazard industries through raising awareness of Process Safety Management, providing regulation on training solutions and courses to improve process safety knowledge and understanding.

Cogent Skills provides the secretariat for PSM Competence Programme Board, where market demand and industry training standards are considered by key employers, duty holders, industry stakeholders, trade associations and regulatory authorities, to ensure a balanced view between business improvement and compliance in all activities.

Board’s Aims/Objectives

  • Act as proactive advocates of an ongoing Process Safety Management awareness campaign to make high hazard industries a safer place to work.
  • Provide guidance and expert advice on the development of national training standards for Process Safety Management which underpin cutting-edge courses through involvement in the PSM Competence Programme Expert Panel.
  • Champion quality assured training solutions to improve process safety knowledge and understanding.
  • Inform and develop the National Strategy for Competence in Process Safety Management.
  • PSM Competence Programme Board and Expert Panel Membership
  • The success of the PSM Competence Programme will continue to be dependent on the support of stakeholders and industry representatives in both the PSM Competence Programme Board and its Expert Panel.

To contribute to the work of the PSM Competence Programme please contact:

Richard Roff

Chair, PSM Competence Programme Board

Email: [email protected]

Phil Scott

Chair, PSM Competence Programme Expert Panel

Email: [email protected]

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