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Skills Insights

Skills analysis and insight for smarter decision making.
Our research and analysis draws upon the cumulative expertise and experience of our member community and is a trusted source of data across a range of skills issues. Whether it’s apprenticeships, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion or labour market intelligence, our unique surveys and reports add evidence-based authority to help you plan, benchmark and make business decisions with confidence.
SIP members can access the very best skills support via a comprehensive calendar of webinars and workshops covering a variety of skills topics
relevant to your business. And as an employer led membership group, there are plenty of opportunities for you to set the agenda.

A skills manifesto for the science industries

Endless changes to apprenticeships and technical education present a serious risk to the development of future talent. On behalf of employers, the SIP Skills Manfisto calls out the need for greater trust, credibility and clarity around developing technical skills.
Download the report


New apprenticeship starts across the science sector have fallen by half over the last five years, according to the latest data. Find out more in this keynote skills publication. 
Download the report

2030 Skills Strategy

The Life Sciences 2030 Skills Strategy is an employer-led piece of work produced by the Futures Group – a collaboration between SIP employers, Office for Life Sciences (OLS), Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) and BioIndustry Association (BIA).

The Skills Strategy 2030 delivers the Blueprint for the People Pillar of the Life Sciences Sector Deal, driving productivity and promoting confidence in doing business in the UK.
Download the report

Latest News

SIP Apprenticeship Survey 2024
4 July 2024
Our previous report revealed a 51% fall in science industry apprenticeship starts since 2015/16. In the context…
Science Industry Ambassador of the Year Award 2024 launched
7 May 2024
If so, you should nominate them for the Science Industry Ambassador of the Year Awards. Nominations should…
SIP Skills Impact
11 April 2024
Understand the impact SIP has had over the last 10 years Download the report
UK Life Sciences workforce factsheet
9 April 2024
Download the factsheet
Rise in people choosing careers in life sciences
26 March 2024
Between 2016/17 and 2021/22 the number of people employed in the sector around the UK rose…
AstraZeneca and SIP Ambassadors
20 March 2024
This includes a range of careers outreach work, designed to inspire the STEM workforce of the…

Tomorrows Success Starts Here

Apprenticeship Support

We provide expert guidance for your new or existing apprenticeship programmes. With practical one to one consultancy covering everything from apprenticeship standards funding and assessment to developing the skills and knowledge of your team.

Careers Outreach

Build a pipeline of future talent, positively impact your community and create an uplifting and impactful experience for your employees. Our SIP Ambassador programme provides a comprehensive outreach solution to train, develop and support your workforce as they inspire the next generation.

Skills Insight

Science is a crucial driver of the economy – our productivity increasingly relies upon technological advances and, in particular high-level vocational and applied science skills.

Future Ready

Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
© Cogent Skills 2022 All Rights Reserved
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