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Careers Outreach

Inspiring the next generation of scientific talent
Build a pipeline of future talent, make a positive impact in your community and create an uplifting and impactful experience for your employees.

Our SIP Ambassador programme provides a comprehensive outreach solution to train, develop and support your workforce as they inspire the next generation. The SIP Ambassador Programme is available to all SIP Members. Access our careers expertise to engage your own people and build a careers outreach network for your business.

Trained SIP Ambassadors work with young people, parents, teachers and careers advisers to promote the many careers available within the science-based industries. This is achieved through working with schools and colleges. SIP Ambassadors present working in the science based industries in a positive light; dispelling myths and stereotypes.

Ambassador training includes an interactive workshop that allows Ambassadors to practice delivering activities, engaging young people, planning workshops and discussing the challenges and opportunities of your career SIP Ambassadors will receive specialist training and access to our specially developed careers resources. 

Grow your careers outreach Programme


  • Inspire the best students to work for your company
  • Demonstrate opportunities across all functions – from the lab to engineering to marketing
  • Promote your Employer Brand to the next generation of talent
  • Challenge the stereotypes associated with working in the science industries – share your story!


  • Receive free training to develop your science careers knowledge
  • CPD opportunities for your professional development
  • Boost your confidence, communication, organisational and presentational skills
  • Network with fellow SIP Ambassadors

Community impact

  • Increase your involvement in the local community
  • Support local schools to meet “Gatsby” career benchmarks
  • Educate young people about scientific issues affecting their society and meet your CSR targets

If you are interested in becoming a SIP Ambassador please email [email protected]

Meet our careers Taskforce

We do things differently. Our careers outreach strategy for the sector is driven by our Taskforce. Early career professionals from diverse backgrounds who share a passion and pride for science-based careers. The Taskforce provides energy and direction, making a difference to the lives of young people through effective outreach activities.  You can find out a bit more about just some of our Taskforce members below.

Biosample Operations Associate
Roche Products Ltd

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Associate Scientist

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Project Manager

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Graduate Trainee, Pfizer UK
& Deputy Chair of the SIP Careers Taskforce

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Associate Scientist GSK
& Chair of the SIP Careers TaskForce

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Oncology Apprentice

Find out more

Our bespoke careers support  helps you to

Build a pipeline of future talent
Raise the profile of your sector
Create uplifting and impactful experiences for employees
Access to expert careers guidance
Access school ready resources
Amplify your CSR credentials in your community
Opportunities to showcase your own young people

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SIP Skills Impact
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UK Life Sciences workforce factsheet
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Tomorrows Success Starts Here

Apprenticeship Support

We provide expert guidance for your new or existing apprenticeship programmes. With practical one to one consultancy covering everything from apprenticeship standards funding and assessment to developing the skills and knowledge of your team.

Careers Outreach

Build a pipeline of future talent, positively impact your community and create an uplifting and impactful experience for your employees. Our SIP Ambassador programme provides a comprehensive outreach solution to train, develop and support your workforce as they inspire the next generation.

Skills Insight

Science is a crucial driver of the economy – our productivity increasingly relies upon technological advances and, in particular high-level vocational and applied science skills.

Become a SIP member today

For more information, or to join SIP contact [email protected] or call us on
01925 51522

Future Ready

Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
© Cogent Skills 2022 All Rights Reserved
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