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Course Mapping and Certification

For all companies who want to map their training courses to Process Safety Management standards

Having your training mapped to competencies prescribed in the Cogent Gold Standards ensures that the training has been benchmarked to a national, industry-developed and recognised standard.

It supports individual Continuing Professional Development (CPD), setting out the skills required for world class performance in key job roles

The Gold Standard framework provides a solid foundation on which the industry can build a workforce, which is not only a technically skilled but also competent in the wider demands of the role that are not taught as part of a qualification or course.
John Holton, former Operations Director at Cogent Skills

About Course Mapping and Certification

The Cogent Skills Gold Standard is a Competency Framework for individuals in the science based industries. The Cogent Gold Standards set an aspirational industry standard for expected levels of on-the-job performance. Training standards that are derived from the Gold Standards set out the learning objectives needed to achieve those levels.

When companies invest in upskilling, one of the key factors to consider is the ability to demonstrate that delegates receive consistent quality training, and that learning outcomes are meaningful and measurable. This is particularly important in regulated industries such as the science industries.

One of the ways that companies can gain reassurance that delegates are being trained to a national level is to procure training that has been mapped to the learning objectives detailed in the training standards.

How does it work?

As the custodian of Gold Standards and National Training Standards for the Responsible Person, we are expertly positioned to map your training. We can provide:

Analysis: We will provide you with the structure to review your current training and demonstrate how it meets the learning objectives and competencies identified in the standard.

Mapping: We will verify that your course maps to the standard.

Recognition: Once we confirm your course meets the standard, you will receive a Cogent Skills certificate stating that your training content has met the standard.

Certificates: Once you have demonstrated that your delegates have met the learning objectives, we will organise certificates for your delegates showing that they have had training that meets the training standard.

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There are lots of benefits to mapping your training to standards:

  • Assurance and recognition that your training is being delivered to an industry approved standard
  • Receive Gold Standard certification for your employees / delegates
  • A route to ensure investment in training meets the specified needs of the industry
  • Recognition that your training is being mapped to Gold Standards / National Training Standards that are regarded as exemplar by regulatory authorities
  • You can be assisted in identifying what is required for a course to meet the standard criteria


Mapping Service: £750 + VAT for upto two mapping exercises per set of materials

Certification Free: £250 Annual Fee / £20 Per Delegate

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Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science and Technology Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
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