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About SIP

Leading on skills for our industry.
The Science Industry Partnership (SIP) is a powerful employer led membership alliance. Our vision is to help secure the future growth and development of a highly skilled, world-class workforce for the science industries. We do this by providing our members - from the largest to the smallest - with the opportunities to collaborate, influence and grow our sector together.

Our Vision

"Employers working in partnership with government to establish the skills needed to build a high value, competent scientific workforce to support future productivity and growth for British business."

Our Member community

Our members collaborate and share best practice on Apprenticeships, UK Skills Policy, Local Skills, Careers Outreach, Competence & Safety. Our members cover a diverse cross section of the UK science and technology sector and include:

WHY JOIN....What membership MEANS

Influencing UK skills policy to meet the unique needs of your business
Collaboration with like-minded companies to develop the skills solutions your business needs
Expert advice so your company can access and make best use of apprenticeship funding
Developing apprenticeships standards for your company to ensure you maximise the levy

Connect with a vibrant community of professionals who share your ambition for skills in our sector.  Taking part in SIP employer-led strategic skills groups covering Apprenticeships, Careers Outreach or Regulatory Compliance offers you the chance to be inspired, share your ideas and drive our sector to new heights

Through the power of one collective voice, SIP members speak out on the skills challenges affecting your workforce. Ensuring science industry employers are empowered with a strong voice to shape the skills agenda, influencing policy makers on the unique challenges we face in our sector.

With SIP membership, you’ll get access to our specialist skills team offering employer friendly advice and practical support across areas such as Apprenticeships, Careers Outreach and Competence and Regulatory Compliance.

“The SIP’s careers outreach work and Ambassador training supports the development of our workforce and champions our business in the local community.”

Paul Hunt

Latest News

SIP Apprenticeship Survey 2024
4 July 2024
Our previous report revealed a 51% fall in science industry apprenticeship starts since 2015/16. In the context…
Science Industry Ambassador of the Year Award 2024 launched
7 May 2024
If so, you should nominate them for the Science Industry Ambassador of the Year Awards. Nominations should…
SIP Skills Impact
11 April 2024
Understand the impact SIP has had over the last 10 years Download the report
UK Life Sciences workforce factsheet
9 April 2024
Download the factsheet
Rise in people choosing careers in life sciences
26 March 2024
Between 2016/17 and 2021/22 the number of people employed in the sector around the UK rose…
AstraZeneca and SIP Ambassadors
20 March 2024
This includes a range of careers outreach work, designed to inspire the STEM workforce of the…

Tomorrows Success Starts Here


Build a pipeline of future talent, make a positive impact in your community and create an uplifting and impactful experience for your employees.
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Skills Insight

Through the power of one collective voice, SIP members speak out on the critical skills challenges.
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Working together to support skills growth in our sector.
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Become a SIP member today

For more information, or to join SIP contact [email protected] or call us on
01925 51522

Future Ready

Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
© Cogent Skills 2022 All Rights Reserved
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