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Published: 5th February 2024

Influential green skills expert Jude Knight joins Cogent Skills

Green skills expert Jude Knight has joined Cogent Skills as the organisation’s new Low Carbon Strategic Skills Lead, bringing her experience to help the organisation drive forward the green skills agenda.

Demonstrating Cogent’s mission to help employers across the UK science and tech sector access the skills needed to decarbonise, Jude Knight will join the organisation later in February.

As businesses across the sector ramp up their efforts to increase sustainability, Cogent Skills will be offering its partners even greater support in meeting their skills needs and ensuring their workforce is fit for a low-carbon future.

In her previous role as Policy Lead for Green Skills at the UK government’s Department for Education, Jude was responsible for leading the department’s strategic green skills policy work, including developing a comprehensive action plan to help deliver the Government’s net zero and environmental targets, as well as supporting the transition to homegrown renewable energy.

In her role at Cogent, she will work across all parts of the organisation to help them meet the green skills needs of the sector and ensure Cogent is well placed as the leader in the low-carbon skills space.

Jude said:

I’m really looking forward to starting work at Cogent Skills, which is at the forefront of the green agenda for skills across the science and technology sector.

The area of our economy has enormous potential to help the UK meet its ambitious net zero targets – and Cogent Skills is uniquely positioned to bring employers together across the UK and develop the green skills they need to build the workforce of the future.

Cogent Skills CEO, Justine Fosh, said:

We’re delighted Jude is joining Cogent Skills at this exciting time. The science and tech sector is at the leading edge of the UK’s effort to decarbonise and reach net zero over the coming decades – and I’m sure Jude’s unique set of skills and experiences will help us meet the challenges which lay ahead.

Last year, Cogent Skills published ‘A Greenprint on skill for the low-carbon economy’, a strategic roadmap which will help start the conversation about advancing the green skills and occupations required to achieve net zero within the UK science and technology sector. Based on discussions with more than 40 experts in a range of sectors, it contains recommendations for industry and stakeholders to work together in managing the transition.

Cogent has also collaborated with the High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC) to launch the Hydrogen Skills Alliance (HSA), a broad, collaborative body committed to building a skilled workforce necessary to support the growth and development of the UK hydrogen sector as part of the shift to a low-carbon economy.

Future Ready

Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science and Technology Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
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