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Published: 13th September 2024

Science sector bodies launch innovative new partnership to enhance training opportunities

Industry Skills Accelerator to collaborate with RESILIENCE – the new UK skills centre of excellence for medicines manufacturing.

Innovative medicines and therapies will be put at the heart of learning and skills development thanks to a new partnership of three leading bodies in the UK science sector.

The Industry Skills Accelerator (ISA) brings together Cogent Skills, the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (CGT Catapult) and CPI, to enhance skills and training opportunities. This will address gaps in existing training and support employers to deliver a pool of talent to meet the needs of developing, manufacturing and delivering emerging medicines modalities.

The ISA will support learners throughout their journey – from secondary school to professional development for those well-established in their careers – to ensure there are opportunities to learn about these innovations at every stage. This work will, in turn, help raise awareness of sheer range of role available in the sector, supporting wider careers outreach work. Cogent Skills’ Managing Director, Apprenticeships and Graduates, Nick Durrington, said:

“The launch of the Industry Skills Accelerator is a significant step forward in helping ensure learners at every stage are well-informed about the latest therapeutic innovations.

“Ensuring this forms part of the skills they acquire will be crucial in helping ensure our future scientific workforce continues to thrive in the future.”

Training Academy Lead at CPI, Louise Taylor, said: “At CPI, we’re committed to addressing the evolving technical challenges in the sector by developing cutting-edge training content for the current and future workforce. Our tailored courses will support individuals at all stages, from those in education to those advancing their careers in the industry.

“This initiative is essential for strengthening the UK’s leadership in therapeutic innovation and ensuring our workforce is equipped to drive the future of medicines manufacturing.”

The ISA will work with the newly-launched RESILIENCE UK Medicines Manufacturing Centre of Excellence to address skills gaps in the advanced therapies industry, supporting the development and manufacture of emerging therapies (such as cell, gene and nucleic acid-based therapies):

  • CGT Catapult will extend its award-winning apprenticeship programme – the Advanced Therapies Apprenticeship Community (ATAC) – by coordinating a network of national providers to support emerging and existing talent;
  • CPI will develop new technical training content (covering advanced nucleic acid therapies including oligonucleotides manufacturing delivered through CPI’s established training academy; and
  • Cogent Skills – the skills leader for UK science and technology – will connect SMEs and micro-businesses to help them access and develop the critical skills they need to future-proof their workforce.

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Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science and Technology Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
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