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Level 4


The process leader programme develops the managerial, technical and safety capabilities of senior operators and team leaders allowing them to run projects, small teams or whole shifts more effectively.

There are three pathway options within the process leader apprenticeship; process specialist, management specialist or Health and Safety specialist.

Process Specialist – Emphasis on lean management and operations for those candidates who have more managerial experience but less in an operations setting. Excellent for those candidates moving departments or roles.
Management specialist – Emphasis on the management of operations for those candidates with high technical knowledge and experience across operations but with less managerial experience.
Health and Safety Specialist – Emphasis on health and safety for operations and warehouse logistics for those who are driving safety through people, systems and processes.

The broad purpose of a process leader is to undertake and direct production activities and operations and deliver against core production Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs).

A Process Leader apprentice will learn:

  • Leadership styles and how to lead and manage teams
  • Delegation / Decision making / Ownership / Trust
  • To provide technical/specialist input and direction to their own team and to others
  • Determining and managing budgets and resources
  • Using core production KPIs as the basis of  a continuous improvement cycle
  • Managing health, safety and environment within their area of responsibility
  • Motivation – building and promoting self esteem
  • Coaching/Mentoring – team development
  • Conflict – Appraisal/performance issues – KPI setting
  • Collaboration with other departments


  • Production lead
  • Section leader
  • Process lead manager
  • Process leader


Candidates must have a Level 3 Process Tech or Manufacturing qualification or have equivalent relevant experience. The apprentice must also have or be capable of achieving GCSE/Functional Skills Level 2 Maths and English prior to taking end-point assessment.

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The Trailblazer employer group includes: Siemens, WHS Plastics, BMW UK, Activate Apprenticeships, Movetech, Mahle, Rolls Royce, Nasmyth Group, De La Rue, Bath ASU, Toyota, Nissan, CMFED, Textile Training, National Skills Academy for Food & Drink

Levy Funded

DURATION – From 18 Months: It will typically take a minimum of 18 months to complete this apprenticeship, although the exact duration will be dependent on the previous experience of the individual. Cogent Skills Training will liaise with the employer to establish the duration of the programme.

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Just some of the leading science companies we work with

How it works

1. Free Consultation

We provide a free scoping session, which includes everything from identifying training to match job descriptions, to understanding the apprenticeship levy funding process.

2. Enrolment

We enrol/induct the learner and develop a bespoke delivery plan based on the requirements of the business and/or apprenticeship standard.

3. Delivery

Over the duration of the training we support the learner in the workplace with face to face and remote delivery. We also provide any support needed for the apprentices mentor or line manager.

4. Assessment

We arrange all relevant end point assessment and prepare the learner on what to expect during end point assessment.

5. Certification

Following the successful completion of the training the learner receives their certification.

Virtual Learning Environment

As part of our commitment to use the latest technology to enhance our provision we use a leading Virtual Learning Environment called Canvas.
With personalised notifications and web app integration, Canvas allows us to engage with students where they already hang out, on social networks and mobile platforms. And with real-time interaction and rich multimedia, we can keep them engaged, too.

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Skills support for your workforce

If you want to transform the skills in your workforce, invest in your employees’ personal development or drive up standards across our industry, get in touch today to find out how we can help.

Future Ready

Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science and Technology Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
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