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Competence Management System Review

For Companies who want a review of their Competence Management System

The Competence Management System Review is the starting point for the identification and quantification of the strength of your competence management system. Using a targeted assessment process, our consultants work with your Senior Management Team to benchmark your current Competence Management System, policies and procedures in order to identify any gaps or areas for improvement.

About Competence Management System Review

The process follows the principles for the assessment of competence management systems as used by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

During the System Review, we will record the responses of your senior management team against a series of targeted statements covering the following elements within a Competence Management System:

  • Demonstrating leadership and commitment
  • Identifying business critical activities
  • Setting procedures and standards
  • Assessing and maintaining individuals’ knowledge
  • Taking action to improve competence
  • Commitment to continuous improvement

The scores achieved against each element will be based on the consensus being achieved by your senior management team. The results for each element will be analysed and discussed at the end of the review, and documented within a confidential report, with recommended actions for the development or improvement of your Competence Management System.

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What are the benefits?

After the CMS Review you will be able to have

  • A greater appreciation of good practice in competence management
  • An understanding of the current status of your competence management system
  • An understanding of the identification of areas for improvement to your competence management system
  • The opportunity to secure the commitment of the senior management team to an outline improvement plan.


£1,800 for an In-House workshop for up to 10 delegates

£900 for a group open workshop

This course has the following accreditation(s)

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