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Inspecting Major Hazard Leadership and Investigating Leadership
Failures in Major Accidents
21 September 2022

This Delivery Guide (DG) is part of the COMAH Competent Authority’s (CA)strategy for encouraging strong leadership and preventing major accidentsin major hazard industries. It underpins …

Understanding COMAH: The Performance And Recognition Framework
21 September 2022

1 The COMAH Regulations place duties on Operators of COMAH establishmentsto take all measures necessary to prevent major accidents and limit theirconsequences to people and …

HSE Guide. The Process Safety Management industry training standards (for COMAH / Seveso III sites)
15 September 2022

Cogent Skills is the custodian and exclusively delivers the Process Safety Management industry training standards (for COMAH / Seveso III sites)- Developed by the Process …

National Occupational Standards for Biomanufacturing Operations
15 September 2022

Cogent Skills is responsible for setting National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the science industries. Find out more about our work in biomanufacturing operations here.

Inspecting Human Factors at COMAH Establishments (Operational Delivery Guide)
15 September 2022

Cogent Skills consultancy solutions is your accredited external expert resource. Consultants are Chartered Human Factors Practitioners (C.ErgHF)

Guidelines for Competency Management Systems for COMAH Sites
15 September 2022

These new Guidelines for Competency Management Systems for COMAH sites have been the
subject of extensive consultation and designed with input from industry experts who have many years of experience working in the sector.

Nuclear Apprenticeship Survey 2020-21
13 September 2022

The apprenticeship route remains important to the nuclear sector as a means to developing a pipeline of suitably qualified and experienced personnel for its current and future workforce. Analysis in this report covers 2,669 current apprentices, of whom 62% are new entrants to the sector and 38% are existing staff re-skilling or upskilling to fulfil new roles.

Apprenticeship Survey 2020
13 September 2022

This report provides insight into the use of Apprenticeships and their funding after examining data from employers across the UK science industry. The latest figures reveal that whilst the science industry continues to embrace Apprenticeships and technical education, more work is required to deliver the vision of Apprenticeships for the sector.

2030 Skills Strategy
13 September 2022

The Life Sciences 2030 Skills Strategy underpins the skills needs of the Life Sciences sector, and is an employer-led piece of work produced by the Futures group – a collaboration between SIP employers, Office for Life Sciences (OLS), Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) and BioIndustry Association (BIA).

Life Sciences: Equality, Diversity &
Inclusion Report
13 September 2022

Showcasing and celebrating best practice ED&I polices and individuals who have been recognised for their contributions and commitment to improving practices and making working environments more inclusive.

Business Case Facts for Developing Bespoke Blended Learning
11 March 2022

Explore the practical benefits to your organisation of switching to a bespoke blended learning model.

Future Ready

Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science and Technology Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
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