Last week, Westminster hosted the Nuclear Industry Association’s Nuclear Week in Parliament, a high-profile event featuring over 20 learn and explore sessions attended by more …
Last week, Westminster hosted the Nuclear Industry Association’s Nuclear Week in Parliament, a high-profile event featuring over 20 learn and explore sessions attended by more …
The Science Industry Partnership (SIP) has welcomed the Government’s outcome of the rapid review of post-16 qualifications and the decisions to expand the time period during which existing qualifications in engineering, manufacturing, and health and science will be funded.
Since the general election, the new government has begun setting out its plan to establish the UK as a clean energy superpower.
Cogent Skills – the skills leader for the UK science and technology sector – has appointed David Vineall as its new Chair, succeeding Joanna Woolf, who is retiring after serving as Chair for the past four years and as Chief Executive for 17 years prior to that.
Cogent Skills – the skills leader for the UK science and technology sectors – has appointed Alex Henderson as Head of Commercial of its Apprenticeships business.
The Autumn Budget underlined the Government’s commitment to addressing skills challenges, with a much-needed £300 million for further education in England alongside reaffirming the important role Skills England will play in increasing skills to help deliver economic growth.
Cogent Skills is preparing a response to the Department of Education’s Curriculum and Assessment Review, which has been commissioned to review the national curriculum and statutory assessment system in England, including qualification pathways.
We were pleased to read the government position on Level 3 qualifications from Skills Minister, Baroness Smith, last week, indicating that while there is a …
Spend a few minutes with Nadia and learn about a day in a life of an Assessor.
Members of the Hydrogen Skills Alliance (HSA) have laid out their objectives for the future as they look back on what the group has achieved in its first year.
Cogent Skills and NSAN are pleased to announce that the nominations are open for the 17th annual UK Nuclear Skills Awards.  This premier event, dedicated …
Students carrying out professional placements with employers has long been a staple of higher education and the benefits of a young person spending time in a real working environment are well understood.