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Published: 9th March 2023

Standard Specific Skill Scans go live!

Working closely with our partners is key to our approach to EPA...
Working closely with our partners is key to our approach to EPA, and we know how vitally important it is to listen to feedback.  

Over recent months we have listened to providers and employers describe some of the challenges and the difficulties that can arise when reviewing if an apprentice’s job role will meet the requirements of the apprenticeship standard.  In several cases identification of the incorrect job role can come late into the apprenticeship and can lead to late withdrawals or failures at EPA.
In response to this, and because at SIAS we are always looking for ways to support our partners in new and innovative ways  – we have now developed a library of ‘Skill Scans’ per apprenticeship standard, these ‘Skills Scans’ can be used either at recruitment, or early in the apprenticeship, to check if the job role will give opportunities for the apprentice to fully develop the correct knowledge, skills and behaviours to meet the requirements of the assessment plan and EPA.   These new ‘Skills Scans’ can support both training providers and employers to look for further opportunities within the job role to develop.
You can find the ‘Skill Scans’ in the support materials section on EPA Pro under each standard.
The SIAS team are always here to support, so please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or require any further information.

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