These assessments can vary depending on the standard being assessed:
-Synoptic Assessment Test (SAT)/Practical Observation:
Observing the apprentice carrying out their job role in a working environment under normal conditions.
-Workplace Synoptic Project Presentation & Discussion:
Presentation based on a summary report prepared by the apprentice. This includes a series of questions that cover key areas of the standard.
-Vocational Competence Discussion (VCD):
Structured discussion around the key elements of the apprenticeship.
-Scenario Case Study:
A written exam aimed at testing the apprentice’s transferable knowledge.
-Knowledge Assessment:
Apprentice demonstration of core technical knowledge from the apprenticeship standard.
These assessments are marked and graded by the EPAO.
The role of an EPAO is to design, deliver and grade the End Point Assessment tests under the new apprenticeship standards.
SIAS is comprised of a team with many years of experience within the Science, Engineering and Educational sectors. This experience assures a high level of quality and professionalism across all aspects of our work, from preparing and creating assessment material to carrying out EPA.
Registered EPAOs are completely independent of the apprentice’s training provider and employer. All organisations are also listed on the ESFA Register of End Point Assessment Organisations.
The cost of EPA varies depending on the type of apprenticeship and which EPA organisation you choose. However, it is important to bear in mind that the overall cost for End-Point Assessment will typically be 10-20% of the apprenticeship funding.
Payment for EPA is made by the apprentice’s training provider.
If an apprentice fails a component of their EPA they can resit if the employer agrees and the resit is within the EPA window.
Resits incur an additional fee.
EPA always take place at the location of the apprentice’s host employer. This provides the opportunity for the apprentice to work to the best of their ability in a familiar environment.
The average length for SIAS’ assessments is between 1 and 2 days.
Click here for a step by step process of the SIAS EPA timeline
Apprenticeship reform has been driven by employers to create high quality apprenticeship training which provides long term benefits to employers and apprenticeships.
The new standards allow employers to develop training programmes that meet the demand for sector specific training, identifying the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to perform a job role to the highest possible level. Employers, working with a training provider, are free to develop a training plan that suits the needs of their business, flexibility is central to apprenticeship reform.
It’s important to start with the end in mind in regards to an apprentices assessment. Click here for a detailed overview of EPA, from registration to certification.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a structured method of gathering and reviewing evidence of a learner’s prior achievements and making judgements as to whether they match the learning outcomes of a qualification or End Point Assessment. However, SIAS do not permit RPL for the End Point Assessments that they offer.