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All Training


PSMCPB Approved
Regulatory Standard
Leading in the Process Industries is a comprehensive portfolio of leadership and…
Train YOUR Trainer
A highly interactive workshop for building confidence in delivering training and facilitating…
Manual Handling Training
Help prevent manual handling injuries in the workplace
Change Management Consultancy
Change Management Consultancy
Blended Learning and Virtual Production
Blended learning virtual production will help you meet your business case needs…
Bespoke Course Development
Business Case outcomes for developing your own bespoke course (and delivered via…
Process Safety Management System
Our expert consultants will support you to establish internal capability and apply…
Process Safety Management Standards
The Cogent Skills Process Safety Management Training Standards define best practice and…
Lean 6 Sigma (Yellow belt)
Lean 6 Sigma (Yellow belt)
Bowtie Barrier Risk Management
Bowtie Barrier Risk Management
Course Mapping and Certification
Having your training mapped to competencies prescribed in the Cogent Gold Standards…
DSEAR Training
DSEAR Training
OECD Process Safety Leadership Benchmarking
OECD Process Safety Leadership Benchmarking
Process Leaders Apprenticeship
Process Leaders Apprenticeship
Improving individual and organisational performance within high hazard industries
We will Review, Design, Implement and Benchmark your business’ policy and procedures…
This diploma will provide the learner with the essential knowledge to work…

Training Courses Run On Demand - Contact us to book: email [email protected] or call: 01325 740900.

Meet the Experts - A FREE 30-minute Discovery Session

To explore your specialist skills opportunities! Let’s discuss which of our solutions will be best for your needs! Click 'Let's meet'  to book in a FREE 30-minute discovery session. 

To explore your specialist skills opportunities! Let’s discuss which of our solutions will be best for your needs! Click 'Let's meet'  to book in a FREE 30-minute discovery session. Watch our video to learn more.

Future Ready

Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science and Technology Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
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