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5-14 March British Science Week 2021
4 March 2021

Don’t miss British Science Week 2021 British Science Week is a 10-day celebration involving thousands of individual events running throughout the whole of the UK. …

Ben Dove, Lab Automation Engineer discusses apprenticeships and a career in digital technology
3 February 2021

Ben Dove, Lab Automation Engineer at Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca discusses apprenticeships and a career in digital technology. Ben is a Lab Automation Engineer at AstraZeneca …

National Apprenticeship week 2021
2 February 2021

National Apprenticeship week 2021 takes place 8-14 February National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is now in it’s 14th year and each year a new theme is …

Cogent Skills Inclusion Calendar 2021
1 January 2021

The Cogent Skills 2021 inclusion calendar is now available Now in it’s second year, our inclusion calendar has been designed to help highlight cultural, religious …

Adam Powell, Cogent Skills and AstraZeneca Apprentice wins Higher Apprentice of the year
27 October 2020

Adam Powell, Cogent Skills and AstraZeneca apprentice wins Higher Apprentice of the Year at The School Leaver Awards 2020 The School Leaver Awards have been …

Cogent Skills & AstraZeneca apprentice volunteers at Addenbrooke’s hospital’s COVID-19 test facility
14 October 2020

Angela Nwandu, a Cogent Skills Apprentice hosted at AstraZeneca completes four weeks volunteering at the PHE Covid-19 testing facility in Cambridge. The current COVID-19 pandemic …

“brand new bonus”announced for employers who hire apprentices over the next six months.
16 July 2020

In order to boost employment and aid the UK’s recovery from coronavirus the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, announced his “Plan for Jobs”, outlining …

Government Advice on frequently asked questions for apprentices during COVID-19
27 March 2020

1. If I need to self-isolate, what will happen to my apprenticeship? Apprenticeships have been designed to be responsive to changes in apprentices’ circumstances, for …

Update – from Gillian Keegan, Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills
24 March 2020

We are facing an unprecedented challenge and I recognise that as teachers and leaders working to provide education, training, and assessment and to support your …

Update – Host Employers Apprenticeship programme response
24 March 2020

Apprenticeship programme response In this difficult time, employers and training providers are doing their best for their workforce. We want to support that by ensuring …

Update – Working together to keep our Apprenticeships & Graduates supported
23 March 2020

For all of us right now it is a challenging time while we do our best to take care of ourselves, our families, loved ones …

Six simple steps to work from home successfully
20 March 2020

Six simple steps to work from home successfully during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic This is a strange and scary time for all of us. Many …

Future Ready

Cogent Skills is sector based, working with companies from across the Science and Technology Industries embracing Life Sciences, Industrial Sciences and Nuclear.
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